August 25, 2011

Final Moments of Freedom

 I'm not the biggest fan of these pictures, but I love this outfit. I wore it earlier this week before I became a big, bad senior. I can't believe the school year is already in full swing! I'm excited about most of my classes and have some fabulous fashion-related projects in the works. It should be a fun year!

This dress just oozes summer. It's light, floral and brightly colored. I toned down the bold flowers with a cream cardigan and referenced the colors in the dress with bright accessories. I bought this glass ring this summer in Venice because a) Venetian glass is beautiful and b) the orange/gold pattern reminded me of fire! The ring of fire, harharhar. As if I wasn't wearing enough bright colors, I threw on some hot pink sandals and attempted to enjoy the few remaining hours of summer break.

{dress-Nordstrom; cardigan-Loft; ring-Venice; sandals-Loft}

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