August 31, 2011

Field of Roses

I have a little challenge going with myself to wear every piece in my closet by the end of this school year. If I haven't worn a piece by June 10th (not that I'm counting down to graduation or anything....), it's going in the 'donate' pile. I'm adding another interesting challenge: to wear pieces with something I've never worn them with before. So far it's going really well and I'm creating new outfits that have been in my closet for years.

Since yesterday was one of those days I had minimal energy to coordinate jewelry or layer pieces. Instead of slipping into sweats, which is very tempting, I threw on a summery dress that was just as easy but looked pulled-together. I generally like to balance light and dark tones, but I went all out with reds and pinks here. I hesitated to add jewelry because the outfit already had color, pattern and a belt. Also, my wonderful high school has made I.D.s mandatory. That would be fine except that they have to be around your neck....bye-bye cute necklaces! Scroll down for a glimpse of teen angst.

{dress-thrifted; sandals-Loft; belt-thrifted}

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