I didn't really have inspiration behind this outfit. This skirt is the 30th piece-now I've worn everything at least once. I wanted to wear it high-waisted and since its waist is elastic, the belt was neccessary. That got my inspired to do a military/girly look hence the army green tee. While I admire it from afar, I haven't personally gotten into the military look, maybe because my overall look isn't that urban. This challenge has made me appreciate how so few pieces can form many outfits, but its also helping pinpoint what's really missing in my wardrobe.
After school today I lounged on my bed and just listed a bunch of thoughts I have so far about the 30 for 30. I'll probably post them on the last day and see if my feelings are the same. I think my main idea was that I went into this thinking it was one of those fun remixes they do in 17 magazine all the time on a larger scale, but its evoked some deep thoughts about personal style and our obsession with quantity. (umm anyone else really excited about the new Costco??)