July 11, 2012

Day Six

Apart from my prom and graduation dresses, this is my first maxi experience. I always thought my legs would look stubby in them but somehow even horizontal stripes turned out ok. This trusty white tee (with sequins!) probably gets worn a little too often because it matches every style. The long necklace flows with the lengthening look of the skirt. I tried the skirt with a few other tops and found the stripes go with everything. Yay for maxis!

P.S. Saw the Katy Perry movie today and it was so fun! There were four people in the theater so guess who was singing along...

{top-Polo; necklace-Target; skirt-Target; shoes-Target}

July 5, 2012

Independence Day (Five)

Hope everyone had a lovely Fourth! While looking for patriotic garb in my closet, I realized that almost every piece for the 30 for 30 is a shade of red, white, or blue. That made things easy and I chose one of my favorite skirts. The pleats, sequins, and bright colors made for a festive look. We had a barbeque at a family friend's house and watched various firework displays on our drive home.

The 4th of July always seems like the halfway marker in summer but now that my school will be starting in late September, there's plenty of summer left! I can't wait to explore Chicago, relax on the beach, and go on our family road trip.

{top-Polo; skirt-Zara; purse-Italy; shoes-Zara}

Day Four

{top-Old Navy; shorts-F21; shoes-Loft}

We finally have electricity!!!! Wooooohhh! I will never take technology for granted again. It's still near the triple digits so I have the fans blasting.

My pics got a little out of order so this isn't actually day 4 but I'll keep posting for the 30 for 30 challenge. This was back when I used to think it was hot but it was actually about 85. Needed to throw on a simple, cool outfit and the hot pink sandals added some fun color. I rarely wear this tank because I have a lot of other coral but it's perfect for a steamy summer day.

July 3, 2012

Back to the 21st Century

{The Girl Who Played With Fire: I read the first of the series this winter and finally got around to the second. Granted, I can only read while the sun is up, just like the good old days.}

 Hello internet universe, nice to see you again. We have been without power since a very brief storm hit about 48 hours ago. When I was younger, a few hours without power was cute and cozy. When it's 100 degrees out and there is no air conditioning in sight, not so cute. I have been escaping to various places around town to cool off. Here are a few of my favorite (power outage) things.

 {I have always been a Starbucks fan but it has now become my home away from home. It has cold caffeinated beverages, air conditioning, and light- what more could a girl ask for?}

{While crop tops are inappropriate in 98%of life, I'd like to think they are acceptable when temps haven't gone below 90 for a week....}

{There is something rustic and romantic about lighting candles}